Welcome to St Giles School

Our Mission

At St Giles’ we are passionate about learning.  Our school community includes and values everyone, working together to achieve in a supportive, caring and professional way.

Our enthusiasm and positive energy make St Giles’ a truly happy and vibrant place to be.


Summer Fayre - 15th June 2024 postponed due to inclement weather conditions. New date is Saturday 6th July 2024 from 12pm to 3pm.

September 2023

Dear Parents/carers,

It has been wonderful seeing the pupils returning to school this September with a smile on their faces. We understand that returning to school can be challenging after the long summer break but we are all here to ensure the transition back can be as smooth as possible for us all. The children are settling well into their classes and showing great enthusiasm for all their new learning and topics. I have the pleasure of walking the school each day to see happy young people in their classes, learning take place throughout the school and staff going above and beyond. As your new Head teacher I feel very lucky and privileged. I have really enjoyed the learning experiences of our students over the first few weeks that have encompassed space and art work, cooking banana cakes, to Zumba lunch time classes and of course a wonderful School Journey (to name a few activities).

Coffee Mornings:

For my first coffee morning on Tuesday 26th September 2023 it was so lovely seeing parents/carers attend and meet you formally. My aim is to repeat this coffee morning event on different days and times to allow other parents/carers to attend (watch this space for the next coffee morning or afternoon!) I know I have also had the pleasure of meeting many parents/carers on the school gates and I again would like to draw your attention to the ‘Individual meet the Headteacher meeting’ on Thursday 5th October 2023 from 9am to 3pm. I have made myself available all day to speak to any parents/carers in 30 minute slots. Please call main reception if you wish to take advantage of this opportunity. If you have any questions about your child’s progress and curriculum please speak directly to your class teacher through the home school book.


Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility at St. Giles’ but I want to draw attention to the DSL’s and safeguarding officers at our school. You of course can speak to any adult at the school if you have safeguarding concerns but please be aware of who the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL’s) are. You may wish to speak to the lead safeguarding officer in your area of the school or speak to Mrs. Horgan and/or myself if you have a safeguarding concern.

Mr. Hehir
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs. Horgan
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lad

Upper School
Mrs. Bell
Designated Safeguarding Officer

Middle School
Mrs. Horgan
Designated Safeguarding Officer

Lower School
Mrs. Earl
Designated Safeguarding Officer

Thank you for making me feel welcome during my first month at St Giles’s School!

Mr. Hehir