Charitable Work

Charitable Work

The school is involved in a number of charity events over the course of the year.  We raise money for several charities through non-uniform days and special events, and collect items and gifts for chosen charities at Harvest and Christmas time.

The school is a registered charity.  Our charity number is 312197.

Dear Parents and Carers,

I would like to introduce myself as the Interim Headteacher at St Giles School for the summer term. As many of you will be aware I am also the Principal at Addington Valley Academy and have been asked by the Governing Body and Local Authority to support leadership during this transition period.

It is important to start by recognising the hard work and dedication of my predecessor, Kathy Lewis. I know that many of you will have developed excellent relations with her and St Giles benefitted from her leadership. The school was very important to Kathy and I can see why. Over my first week, the welcome from staff and the students has been generous. I feel privileged to be here and promise that the core values of the school will continue to be nurtured, developed and respected.

Already, I have enjoyed watching an inspirational movie made by one of the students, been invited to a class tea, joined in the coronation assemblies and observed band practice at lunchtime. What shines through is the dedication of the staff and the kindness at the heart of this school community. I am humbled by observing the resilience of your children.

I hope that over this term we get the chance to meet but if you need anything, then please do not hesitate to contact us in the normal ways.

With very best wishes

John Reilly

Interim Headteacher
